Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Ten Commandments #4

Exodus 20:8 - Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.
In the Old Testament the main day of worship among the Israelite people was Saturday, often referred to by the Scriptures as the sabbath day. In the New Testament the Apostle Paul admonishes us, "Upon the first day of the week..." The modern local New Testament church now holds their primary worship services on Sunday.
God was admonishing the Israelites that the sabbath was not a day for work, but a day that they should set aside to focus on God and His blessings upon them using this day for worship and rest. Sadly, the Israelites often failed to abide by this commandment. This was often the cause of many of God's punishments against Israel.
Today, while our primary day of worship is Sunday, the same holds true. Many Christians have made Sunday just another day. They may attend a house of worship at 10 or 11 in the morning, but after that they use it as a day to go to the store, mow the grass, among other things. Unfortunately, few Christians truly set aside Sunday as a day to rest and worship. The hustle and bustle of our society has left even Christians striving to get things done on the day that should be set aside for worshipping the heavenly father who sent his only begotten Son to us that we might have forgivness of sin.
What did the Israelites do for food on Saturday? How did they accomplish the things that had to be done around their houses? What if they needed to pick up some things from the general store? Well, the Israelites prepared the food for Saturday on Friday before 6. They were able to get things done around the house on 6 other days of the week and they did their shopping on any day, but Saturday. I am not saying that you cannot cook on Sunday or pick up some medicine at the store etc., as there is no biblical command preventing that for New Testament Christians, but I am saying that Sunday should be treated with more reverence than it currently receives from the people who claim Jesus as their Saviour.
So may we keep in mind that when it comes to Sunday, the day of worship for New Testament believers, it should not be considered just another day, it should be acknowledged as a day of worship, a day of rest, and a day to glorify our Saviour and Lord, Jesus Christ.

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